Wednesday, July 15, 2015

They don't like the cut of her gab

The World Socialist Web Site's Andre Damon view Hillary from the leftest precincts;
The central aim of Clinton’s speech was to reassure the American financial oligarchy that, despite her occasional lukewarm denunciations of corporate criminality and social inequality, she is a right-wing, pro-business defender of Wall Street.

The speech makes clear that a Clinton presidency will pursue the same pro-Wall Street policies of the Obama administration, seeking to expand the fortunes of the super-rich at the expense of the great majority of society, while invoking “fairness” and “equality” as window dressing.
He has a point. Both Hillary and Barack Obama ARE millionaires.
For instance, Clinton admitted, “There are nearly six million young people aged 16 to 24 in America today who are not in school or at work. The numbers for young people of color are particularly staggering. A quarter of young black men and nearly 15 percent of all Latino youth cannot find a job.”

Her response to this outrageous reality was not, even in a rhetorical or demagogic sense, the promotion of a government program to put people to work.
Maybe she learned her lesson after the failure of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of '09?
Instead, she called for tax cuts for big business. She declared, “I firmly believe that the best anti-poverty program is a job... That’s why I’ve called for reviving the new markets tax credit and empowerment zones to create greater incentives to invest in poor and remote areas.”
Like in China.

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