Thursday, December 12, 2013

Aprendido nada, nada olvidado

Chilean leftists continue to assault freedom of the press, four decades on;
Another lawsuit has been brought against the owner of Chile’s largest media group, accusing him of “unlawful association” with the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet in order to intentionally cover up the torture and deaths of “disappeared” civilians.
We sympathize with the editorial criticism of poorly reported events, but wonder if the shoe was on the other foot the same rules would be applied to a left-wing Presidente's media admirers. Consider;
Rinconada de Maipú refers to a supposed confrontation between Communist extremists and the the the Pinochet-era secret police (DINA) in the hills surrounding the neighborhood of Maipú, Santiago in November 1975. The “confrontation” was covered live by Televisión Nacional (TVN) and Channel 13 of the Universidad Católica over the course of 30 minutes, during which reporters claimed to hear gun-shots ringing from the hills behind them. La Segunda, a part of the El Mercurio conglomerate, later backed the story. 
Specifically, we're curious about that 'supposed confrontation' line, as hundreds of Chilean police and military were killed by 'supposed' Allendeans (up to 12,000 strong) planted in that country, even before 1973 coup, by Fidel Castro's master spy Manuel Pineiro. They were using real bullets in the AK-47s supplied to Allende by Cuba and the Soviet Union (as we've reported in several posts).

With Señora Bachelet leading the polling for next week's election, will the Santiago Times' one day be held to account for its (mis)reporting of her actions in office?

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