The Miami area is home to Venezuela’s largest diaspora. Most of them are opposed to the regime and they have rejected the wealthy lifestyles of those whom they call “bolibourgeois.” On May 22, Miami-Dade officials, approved a symbolic resolution declaring Globovisión owners - Raúl Gorrín, Gustavo Perdomo and Juan Domingo Cordero - personae non gratae. The measure was taken up three days after El Nuevo Herald published a story about the expensive properties these men have in Cocoplum, Coral Gables – one of the most luxurious areas in southern Florida. “The owners of Globovision are hypocritically enjoying the benefits of our democracy while helping the Venezuelan government deny those benefits of human rights, freedom of speech, and democracy that we have in Miami, USA to the Venezuelan people,” the city wrote. A Globovisión partner, however, threatened to sue Miami for tarnishing his reputation without proof. At the last minute, the city decided to modify the document by removing the names of the business owners.HSIB's bold, of course, in the above.
We'd be interested to know how many boliboobs live in Havana.
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