Thursday, August 1, 2013

Eating well is the best revenge

Might be what Whole Foods is thinking, as they find a need in Detroit, and, like good businessmen, fill it;
The high-end supermarket chain may be known for attracting trendy, well-to-do young shoppers in upscale neighborhoods. But the grocery store it recently opened in Detroit is doing double the sales it expected.
Co-CEO Walter Robb said Whole Foods’ timely entrance in to Detroit just eight weeks ago proves the brand can capture value-oriented consumers if it just makes a few changes to its pricing and product selection.
It isn't corporate benevolence that provides the customer his meat, bread and brewskies;
The thing about Detroit and similar markets that is attractive to a swanky grocer like Whole Foods is there’s not many competitors setting up there. Shoppers see smaller neighborhood stores, liquor stores, and public markets, but that’s about it.
And the real estate is dirt cheap in lower-income and smaller towns. For example, said Ken Meyer, the company’s executive vice president of operations, “I think you’d be pretty envious if you saw our rent deal in Des Moines.” 
Concern for their self-interest is enough. But then, they should have already known that.

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