An e-mail correspondent (who also has an interest in
the relevance of Public Choice Economics) points us to
this article in The Atlantic by Joe Pinsker;
Why Breweries Are So Rare in the American South
What do you get when you mix corporate interest with religiously motivated temperance? A whole lot of Budweiser.
Pinsker astutely notes;
Around the nation, big beer producers contribute to the campaigns
of politicians who will support policies that discourage competition
from local upstarts—for example, taxes on breweries and laws that
prevent breweries from selling their kegs directly to consumers (instead
of through a distributor). But what's unique about the South is that
there's a voting bloc—the Baptists—whose moral stance against alcohol
happens to align with large producers' desires to keep new competitors
from getting started in the business. The support of Baptists provides
Southern politicians with a reason to hinder brewers that politicians in
other regions don't have. As a result, the states with the most
Baptists tend to have the fewest breweries.
Even in states (like Louisiana) where there is a lot of beer drinking. Which brings out the relevance of the
comment from Steve H to our post on the death of James Buchanan;
And in the words of Sir Dennis H. Robertson:
"There exists in
every human breast an inevitable state of tension between the aggressive
and acquisitive instincts and the instincts of benevolence and
self-sacrifice. It is for the preacher, lay or clerical, to inculcate
the ultimate duty of subordinating the former to the latter. It is the
humbler, and often the invidious, role of the economist to help, so far
as he can, in reducing the preacher’s task to manageable dimensions. It
is his function to emit a warning bark if he sees courses of action
being advocated or pursued which will increase unnecessarily the
inevitable tension between self-interest and public duty; and to wag his
tail in approval of courses of action which will tend to keep the
tension low and tolerable."
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