Pero detrás de todo este altruismo socialista, cooperativista y voluntario, se deja ver una mecanismo macabro y perfectamente diseñado. Autobuses móviles que son preparados para la recolección de sangre que visitan las cárceles, donde abundan los donantes hambrientos, recibiendo migajas como recompensa a tan comportamiento ejemplar. Los reclutas que pagan dos años de servicio militar obligatorio se les exige que si quieren salir a su casa a visitar sus familias pueden intercambiar la por su líquido vital. Los Comité de Defensa de la Revolución hacen campañas de presión barrió por barrio, casa por casa, en búsquedas de “venas sangrientas” que como “buenos revolucionarios” quieran tener archivados estas “demostraciones morales” para ser tomados en cuenta cuando los repartos de televisores, u otros gratificantes que la estructura utiliza para afianzar el clientelismo político, método eficaz que mantiene a los ciudadanos como esclavos sociales.Loosely; Behind the scenes of what is promoted as altruism (socialist; voluntary and cooperative) is the reality of mobile blood-collector buses visiting prisons to offer inmates some hope of lenient treatment in exchange for their fluids. Also, military conscripts who wish leave to visit their families can buy it with a blood donation.
The ubiquitous Committee for the Defense of the Revolution even sweeps neighborhoods, house by house, with pressure campaigns for the people to show they are proper 'moral' revolutionaries. Demonstrated zeal in 'donating' blood being taken into account when the government decides to dole out goodies such as TV sets or other gifts.
La cara más triste de esta historia casi satánica es la referente a los presos políticos que fueron víctima de esta praxis a lo largo de la historia. Integrantes de grupos insurreccionales, al principio de la llamada revolución de 1959, fueron sometidos a la extracción de su sangre antes de ser fusilados. Exprisioneros han confirmado tales eventos donde levantaban a los reos y los llevaban al “hospitalito”, condenados que eran ejecutados al amanecer. Pero antes, su sangre que, aunque sea ‘sangre gusana’, igual se vende.Again loosely;
The saddest part of the story is that from the beginning of the revolution in 1959, Che Guevara's execution squads would first extract blood from those who were scheduled to be shot. Calling it 'worm blood'.
Meanwhile, don't miss the great human rights debate in Washington next week;
Delegations from Cuba and the United States will meet in Washington to discuss human rights, as agreed in the midst of talks to restore diplomatic relations, Pedro Luis Pedroso, deputy director general of Multilateral Affairs and International Law at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, revealed on Thursday in Havana.Pedro promises;
... that Cuba will demonstrate its achievements in the promotion and protection of all human rights, not only of its own people but also those of many nations with which it has cooperated in areas such as health and education.
He added that the country does not consider itself to be perfect and recognizes there remain important goals to achieve. However, he highlighted the recognition received at the last Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council, where the international community praised and commended Cuban achievements in areas such as education, health and access to cultural rights, and the contribution the island has made in those same areas in other countries.Such as literal blood-sucking.
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