Thursday, May 16, 2013

We are not amazed

To discover, while reading through old newspapers to find that;

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader - who has had a Dvorak typewriter for years but says he never found time to master it - charges that the typing industry deliberately held back despite Dvorak's demonstrated superiority.
``The typewriter companies and the secretarial schools don't want an increase in productivity,'' Nader said. ``They don't want an office to get the same work out of two typists that used to take three.''
--San Francisco Chronicle, April 21, 1985

While Seattle Times columnist Don Duncan, in an interview, also in 1985, with Mrs. August Dvorak, learned;

Dvorak 's widow still types an occasional letter _ on a Dvorak , naturally. She also confirms a secret about her husband, inventor of the world's fastest and most efficient typewriter keyboard. 

"He never learned to type."

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