Monday, July 20, 2015

The Un-Sun King

 When King Salman is on the French Riviera: Don't give him any of that Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité guff;

The likely visit of Saudi Arabia's king to his family's French Riviera mansion has stirred the ire of beachgoers who will be banned from a stretch of sand [nearby].

.... "If he (the king) comes ... which is almost certain, the beach will be closed" for security reasons, regional security chief Francois-Xavier Lauch added. "We do the same kind of thing for all heads of state."

Lauch said by telephone Monday that boats would also be banned from plying the Mediterranean near the mansion, which has belonged to the Saudi royal family for decades but hasn't recently been visited by the king himself.

Lauch said the restrictions only apply for a visit by the king, not other members of the royal family.
Why do the French pay all those taxes anyway?

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