Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The best defense...

For Tom Brady, is to go on offense and attack, with pinpoint accuracy, the NFL's case of deflategate;
Despite submitting to hours of testimony over the past 6 months, it is disappointing that the Commissioner upheld my suspension based upon a standard that it was “probable” that I was “generally aware” of misconduct. The fact is that neither I, nor any equipment person, did anything of which we have been accused. He dismissed my hours of testimony and it is disappointing that he found it unreliable.
I also disagree with yesterdays narrative surrounding my cellphone. I replaced my broken Samsung phone with a new iPhone 6 AFTER my attorneys made it clear to the NFL that my actual phone device would not be subjected to investigation under ANY circumstances.
Nor, says Brady was the NFL's investigation deprived of any information from his cell phone
 To suggest that I destroyed a phone to avoid giving the NFL information it requested is completely wrong.
... we turned over detailed pages of cell phone records and all of the emails that Mr. [NFL investigator Ted] Wells requested. We even contacted the phone company to see if there was any possible way we could retrieve any/all of the actual text messages from my old phone. .... the NFL knows that Mr. Wells already had ALL relevant communications with Patriots personnel that either Mr. Wells saw or that I was questioned about in my appeal hearing. There is no “smoking gun” and this controversy is manufactured to distract from the fact they have zero evidence of wrongdoing.
Since this controversy has the potential to deprive Brady of endorsement income, we wonder if the NFL Commissioner has a good lawyer himself.

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