Sunday, October 6, 2013

There's 15,000 Euros in mia zuppa

Fortunately for a couple of Italian journalists Hal Varian hasn't quit his day job (as Google's chief economist) for a stand up gig;
A few weeks ago Jeff Bezos signed onto his Amazon account. The message he saw said “Based on your recent purchases, we recommend the New York Times, The LA Times and the Chicago Tribune.”
And then steps on his laugh line, with some sound economics;
 How long do you think it will be before all [Washington] Post subscribers get a Kindle? I would say less than a year. (Note: the Kindles now sell for under $100 and the cost of a yearly subscription to the paper version of the Washington Post is $350 per year.)
Easy for him to say; Milan at the awards ceremony of the annual Italian journalism award È giornalismo. Hal Varian is the 2013 award winner but declined the prize money and asked the award jury to nominate innovative Italian journalists working in online media to receive the prize money instead. 
And, if they e-mail to thank him, he'll answer (at least he always has).

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