Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Amazon macht frei

At least that's the way die Arbeiter themselves see it, but experts don't understand it;
"I like working here, the work atmosphere is super," says a young Amazon employee. "There's hardly any place where you'd find working conditions like this," an older colleague agrees. "For me this here is paradise." The quotes are from a videoblog by Amazon featuring enthusiastic staff from one of their German logistics center, in Bad Hersfeld. They praise the company, saying their work is individually tailored to each employee and no one was overworked.
Similar self-made videos by Amazon workers in Germany appear on YouTube, in contradiction to the attitude of most news media which portray Amazon as having near hellish working conditions and low pay. When the union--Verdi--called a strike, almost no Amazon workers honored it. Now the workers are taking the offensive...against their union;
...over a thousand employees have signed a statement against the "negative depiction" of their company in the media. They're planning to print "Pro Amazon" t-shirts, to show they are not backing the union strike. 
Mystifying some;
Luitpold Rampeltshammer, a labor market expert at the University of the Saarland, is surprised at the sudden loyalty and support shown by the Amazon staff. He said he could understand that some workers were worried about losing their jobs, "but at the heart of it, this is about better pay. So I ask myself: what's their motivation? Were they put under pressure?" 
Let's see, the actual worker bees, with up-close and personal knowledge that the academic expert lacks, are satisfied with their jobs. But that doesn't count, Ven vee haf vays of making you valk.

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